Data Processing

Data Processing Services & Analysis for Market Research by IDS Research & Consultancy. We are Specialized Data Processing Companies in Dubai, UAE offers you accurate Data Processing to assist business owners and all our clients.

Our data processing wing is well equipped for the growing needs of articulate analysis in the market. IDS have a well-experienced DP team who handles multiple studies at any point of time. Reports are delivered according to the clients’ specifications and needs in easy to read formats such as Microsoft Word or Excel or Quanvert or SPSS. We also offer a wide range of data output files to fit your needs.

  • DP has a strong expertise in analyzing data using specialized software like Dimensions, Quantum, SPSS, and QUANVERT and so on.
  • IBM SPSS Data Collection ( A Complete, customizable solutions for CAPI/CAWI/CATI/Survey research )
  • Quantum (For Data cleaning, validation and Table generation)
  • SPSS ( For Statistical Requirements )
11Our Scripting team is using the latest Dimension platform for designing the survey.

We have our own server to host the survey online which is based in Dubai (UAE).

Our Data Processing Services

  • Verbatim Translation, Open End Coding, Data entry, Data cleaning & Data Processing
  • Creation / Manipulation of Data Map
  • Data delivery capabilities across various platforms  : ASCII / DBF / XLS / SPSS (.SAV) / SAS
  • Cross Platform Data Merging & Transformation
  • Scripting services including programming of questionnaires, testing, hosting for CATI / CAPI / CAWI studies

Data Processing – Our Practices


  • Approval of code frame prior to commencement of coding
  • A minimum of 5% of questionnaires coded are checked systematically by a second person
  • Verification process is documented and maintained for each project

Data Entry:

  • Ensuring relevant logic and range checks are built in the data entry program
  • Questionnaires that are Partially filled or without back check status are rejected during data entry
  • Minimum total percentage verification per project will be 5% – 10% of entries
  • 100% verification
  • Manual random check of data against questionnaires to negate possibilities of errors
  • Verification process is documented and maintained for each project

Data Analysis:

  • Completeness, i.e. that all tables are present as specified;
  • Bases and standard breaks/banner points are checked against source questions;
  • That the figures for subgroups and nets are correct; and open-ended responses accurately reflect the full content;
  • Spelling and legibility
  • Verification checks on data delivered in other electronic formats
  • Compatibility of the file format with the software specification agreed with the client
  • Completeness (i.e. the correct number of files and records are in each file)
  • Where applicable, inclusion of a structural description
  • Where applicable, labelling of the contents of the file and inclusion of instructions on limitations of use