One of the latest data collection method is using Mobile phones – Self Administered interviews using the online link/apps
Database Size
We can create customized surveys basis your needs with low cost
Focus Group Discussions
The most popular methodology in the region. Their regular length is of 1h 30 to 2 hours. 7-8 respondents usually attend.
Mini groups with 4-5 respondents
Triads with 3 respondents
Home visits
Can easily be arranged even though we would only have access to certain parts of the house .
Video recording may not be possible all the time especially among females and locals due to social and cultural barriers.
In-depth interviews
Regular length is of 1 hour. Couple interviews are possible.
Ethnographic Interviews with detailed administration; normally it will be around 3-4 hours. It can be a home-visit or drive along or F2F or shop along etc…
Accompanied Shopping
Is possible although often limited to a simple shadowing in the absence of the retailer permission to conduct the study. A detailed accompanied shopping can be conducted if permission is provided by the retailer. Shop along session can be immediately followed by an in-depth interview for deep probing into the shopping behaviour and nuances